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Whole School Carol Service

Dorchester Abbey - Festival of Lessons and Carols 2022

Service 1 - Carol Service at Dorchester Abbey on Tuesday 13 December from 12 noon to 1pm

We are delighted to invite you to our Carol Service at 12 noon on Tuesday 13 December for Lower 4, 4, Upper 4 and Lower 5 students.  Unfortunately, due to restrictions on numbers from Dorchester Abbey, we are only able to invite one guest per student.  Please complete the form below by no later than 20 October.

Carol Service at Dorchester Abbey on Tuesday 13 December from 12 noon to 1pm (

Service 2 - Carol Service at Dorchester Abbey on Tuesday 13 December from 2pm to 3pm

We are delighted to invite you to our Carol Service from 2pm to 3pm on Tuesday 13 December for Upper 5, Lower 6 and Upper 6 students.  Unfortunately, due to restrictions on numbers from Dorchester Abbey, we are only able to invite one guest per student.  Please complete the form below by no later than 20 October.

Carol Service at Dorchester Abbey on Tuesday 13 December from 2pm to 3pm (