ICT and Computer Science allow students to explore the latest technologies and develop a broad range of skills essential to the modern world. Practical elements inspire and challenge, providing a sound base for further study and life in general.

ICT and Computer Science allow the students to develop an understanding of how technology can be used in society and organisations, and the implications of its use, knowledge and understanding.

The department has been successful in raising the awareness of technology and digital innovations. The schemes of work now reflect the requirements for preparing girls for an increasingly digital future; computational thinking skills, modern information communication and technology skills, collaborative working online and understanding computer science through problem-solving and programming.

Our aim is for all girls to become critical and autonomous users of ICT, in order that ICT and Computer Science can be a tool to assist them in all their other subjects and throughout their day to day life, not only in school, but beyond.  

Extra-Curricular Activities

Students will have the opportunity to attend field trips and lectures to widen their understanding of real-life problems. All students are encouraged to participate in national competitions and STEM activities.

Lower School Curriculum


  • All students to be digitally literate members of society
  • Ensure students can ably use technology to assist them throughout their day-to-day life; both in school and beyond
  • Computing seeks to develop student's knowledge of digital processes and the concepts of computational thinking and problem- solving


All students have two lessons of Computing per week. This allows for structured teaching, but also frequent, up-to-date exposure to new and existing developments. Programming and the use of new devices and tools are introduced at various stages throughout the year. 

Online-safety is always a consideration and highlighted as part of each topic studied, where relevant. Opportunities are created for some students to work on projects with companies such as Amazon and Microsoft. All students are encouraged to engage in cyber security competitions and complete units of the IDEA award (often referred to as Digital D of E).

L4 (Year 7)

Students in L4 are exposed to a variety of software tools to support their other subjects. They are taught how to use the internet for independent learning by refining searches, evaluating the reliability of information sources and understanding the dangers of plagiarism. Students use block-based programming languages to create a computer game, understanding solution design as part of their introduction to the computational thinking process. In computer control, students learn how to write flowchart programs, in order to operate simulations for traffic lights and other real-world scenarios.

4s (Year 8)

In the 4s, the emphasis moves to data manipulation using spreadsheets. Students learn how to record and model data in Excel and present their findings using graphs and charts. They also use more advanced formulae, functions and conditional formatting to create a quiz and analyse the results. Students develop knowledge of computer science and follow the design and build cycle to create their own app prototype. They also learn further computational thinking skills by breaking down a dance into set moves and creating an animation route, which they choreograph.

U4 (Year 9)

In U4, programming skills are extended to a higher level starting with using commands of text-based languages, such as Logo. This language is used creatively to draw designs and patters, whilst learning about problem decomposition, solution design and pattern recognition. This leads on to an introduction to programming and control in Python, using the BBC MicroBit. Students’s understanding of the technological world around them is further enhanced during a group STEM project where girls investigate future technologies and design solutions of their own, to real-world problems. Further creative uses of computing are developed through learning how to code websites using HTML and understanding how a website is developed for different purposes and users.

Middle School Curriculum


By following the Computer Science syllabus, students foster an interest in, enjoyment of, and confidence in the use of computers. They develop an appreciation of the range and power of computer applications and solve problems using computers. Their studies include systems analysis, algorithm design and programming concepts. IGCSE Computer Science students consider a broad range of computer applications, to provide an understanding not only of the power, versatility and the benefits of using computers, but also their limitations and potential disadvantages.

Computer science is an area which is expanding rapidly, offering a wide range of career opportunities in the public and private sectors. The job opportunities are diverse and not limited to the more technical range. The course will give you an excellent grounding in using the standard application packages; skills any employer will value.

IGCSE Computer Science will equip students for the ever increasing technical changes and create an understanding that is transferable into many other sectors. Universities allow students to combine computing with other subjects; a language with computing, mathematics with computing or business management and computing, leading to many diverse career opportunities.

The course has two units:

  • Theory of computer science - Including data representation, communication and internet technologies, hardware and software, security and ethics.
  • Practical problem solving and programming - Including algorithm design and problem solving, programming, and databases.


There will be two examinations at the end of the two-year course.

  • Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes, Theory – Examination [60%] This written paper contains short answer and structured questions. There is no choice of questions and the examination is externally assessed.
  • Paper 2: 1 hour 45 minutes, Problem-solving and programming – Examination [40%] This written paper contains short answer and structured questions. There is no choice of questions. 20 of the marks for this paper are from questions set on the pre-release material. 
Sixth Form Curriculum

A Level Computer Science

Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. It is an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.

The course will give students the opportunity to learn computational thinking, helping girls to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of both human and machine intelligence.


The qualification will be focused on programming and emphasise the importance of computational thinking as a discipline. There will be an expanded mathematics focus, much of which will be embedded within the course.

Syllabus and Examinations


Computer Science is fully linear in assessment after two years of study. The A Level will consist of three components, two of which will be externally marked question papers making up 80% of the qualification. The other 20% will be the coursework project, which will have an emphasis on coding and programming.

Unit 1: Computer Systems

This unit covers: software and its development; types of programming languages; data types, representation and structures; exchanging data and web technologies; following algorithms; using Boolean algebra and legal, moral and ethical issues.

Unit 2: Algorithms and Programming

Elements of computational thinking; programming and problem solving; pattern recognition; abstraction and decomposition; algorithm design and efficiency;
standard algorithms. The exam paper will feature a short scenario for analysis.

Unit 3: Programming Project

Students will select their own user-driven problem of an appropriate size and complexity to solve. This will enable them to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the Assessment Objectives.

Other Subject Combinations

This A Level would work well with other science subjects and mathematics in particular.

Potential Degree Courses and Career Choices

A Level Computer Science provides the underpinning knowledge and skills to continue the subject in higher education. The course is very challenging and technical, which will give students a thorough understanding of the world of computers and how they function. Students will develop skills in software engineering and can readily move into employment in the digital and gaming sector working as a developer and creator of next-generation technologies.

Academic Stretch

Technology is forever moving forward and computers are at the heart of everyday life. Explore, discover and invent things.

What can you do to challenge yourself?

(Available to all unless marked for certain years or Key stages only)

  • AWS Challenge (Amazon Web Service App Competition) - Fours
  • Attend DigiGirlz Microsoft - Fours
  • Take part in weekly QAS Computational Thinking Puzzle
  • Attend TechTalks
  • Attend CS lunchtime club/STEM club
  • Attend Eton Investigate - KS4/5
  • Attend TechTalks
  • Attend Programming Master Classes
  • Program yourself (https://ifttt.com/ - If This Then That; https://developer.apple.com/ - develop apps)
  • Participate in STEMMETTES - KS4/5
  • Interested in Architecture, Engineering or Product design - join the SketchUp Group
  • Join the Animation Club for Computer Animation
  • Learn how to 3D print
  • Investigate MergeVR https://mergevr.com/Lecture
  • Assist in Taster Days (Build Bluetooth Speakers) - KS4/5
  • Work Experience in IT (Volume AI, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM etc) - KS4/5
  • Apply to be Digital Prefect - KS4/5
  • Get involved in TechThursday
  • Assist with the CS or STEM club
  • BEBRAS Challenge
  • Cyber First - Cyber Security Challenge for Girls
  • Cyber Security EPQ - KS5
  • www.Repl.it (learn how to program)
  • www.idea.org.uk (Digital DofE - Bronze and Silver now open)
  • Follow the tech news:
  • Watch Click on BBC bbc.co.uk/click