Queen Anne’s School is delighted to be a part of the Round Square community of connected schools across the globe.

Through Round Square, schools connect students with their peers from across the world to exchange ideas, learn about each other’s countries and cultures and to discuss and debate some of the most difficult, and sensitive issues facing our world today.


Round Square schools are characterised by a shared belief in an approach to education built around six themes, which are referred to as 'IDEALS', drawn from the theories of the 20th century educationalist Kurt Hahn. The IDEALS are: International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service. These themes align with the Queen Anne's ethos; we value our students as individuals and strive to help them reach their potential. We have a ‘no limits’ approach to the girls’ learning and development that produces excellent academic results and outstanding achievements in every field.

The Round Square IDEALS underpin the organisation's Discovery Framework (see graphic below), which supports us in developing and structuring holistic programmes that build character, competencies and life-skills in our students.

Round Square Discovery Framework, www.roundsquare.org

Queen Anne's Involvement

As a school we are delighted to be one of the 230 schools around the world that share the aim of building students’ international understanding.

The infographic below showcases all of the amazing events our students have taken part in already! Academic year 2024-25 will see even more link-ups with schools across the global network through exchanges, conferences and collaborations. 

If you would like to know more about the Round Square Network and Queen Anne's involvement please contact Victoria Kay-Barrero at [email protected] or you can find out more on the Round Square website www.roundsquare.org 

Click below to read about some of the fantastic opportunities our students have engaged in or watch the video to hear from our students themselves!

History Lab (June 2024) - Colonialism in Britain

History Lab (May 2024) - World War Two: Driving Human Progress

History Lab (February 2024) - The Roaring 20s

History Lab (December 2023) - The Cold War

Queen Anne's Host Postcard