A Fantastique week with our French Exchange Students!
French Exchange

From Wednesday 15 to Tuesday 21 May, Queen Anne’s were joined by our friends from Le Caousou, a school in Toulouse, as part of the French exchange programme.

Our visitors had an exciting time exploring Reading, Oxford, Windsor and London, as well as partaking in lessons and activities with their English hosts at Queen Anne’s.

They were also very lucky to see the Inter-House Dance, Gym and Trampolining Competition, which they thoroughly enjoyed, as well as the Ffyler assembly – things that they don’t exist in French schools! Our french friends really got a taste of what it’s like to study at Queen Anne’s.

Our visitors form Toulouse had a wonderful time and were quite nostalgic when the time came to head back across the channel.

One student said that their week at Queen Anne’s felt like being in a film!

Thank you to all of our students who participated in the French Exchange Programme, and made all of the students from Le Caousou feel so welcome.