Weekends at Queen Anne’s Senior Boarding Houses are never dull - from one to another no weekend is ever the same. There is a tremendous variety of activities on offer to suit whatever passions the girls may have or indeed might like to try. Given no weekend is ever replicated we thought we’d share some of the highlights from the last few weeks.
- Miss Nottingham-Taylor, Graduate Assistant in Maddock Senior Boarding House
With lacrosse sticks held high, the girls revel in the opportunity to represent the school in competitive fixtures. Teamwork is very much at the heart of our lacrosse and netball fixtures. However sporting opportunities do not end there as the choices often seem endless; Badminton, fitness, tennis, volleyball, swimming to name just a few that are enjoyed. Football has recently been added to the array of sports on offer and has proved incredibly popular - 65 girls took up football within the first month launching at Queen Anne's!
Alongside sporting excellence, the girls explore their culinary skills during cookery sessions. Recently some experts in Sushi making came to QAS and taught the Lower 6 and Upper 6 boarders their tips and tricks in how to make sushi. Incredible skills to help set them up for university and later life. Exploring and sharing cultural experiences is easy to enjoy in the cookery room. The Afro Caribbean Society is particularly popular
I particularly enjoy having access to the cookery room during the weekend as cooking together can act as a way of socialising between various year groups and Houses
- Rafiah (Upper 6)
To showcase and advance the girls' creativity there are also plenty of arts activities in place during the weekend. A recent favourite has been wreath making, hosted by a professional visiting florist, the girls produced some beautiful wreaths, developed in an incredibly short timespan.
Sunday Trips
Each week Boarders have the chance to go out on a fun trip from cinema to Escape room, Winchester Christmas Market and many more. The day girls are invited to join in too and the girls often take up the opportunity to spend weekend time together.
The most recent trip was an incredible chance to watch the Women’s FA cup final! We had prime seats and watched Chelsea lift the trophy; most of us were ecstatic and although some unhappy Arsenal fans would have preferred to see their team win, everyone had a brilliant day and felt thoroughly inspired! This trip was particularly special as you could see the girls dreaming themselves of achieving such heights and matching these incredible sportswomen one day.
Entering the stadium was one of the most incredible atmospheres I’ve ever seen. Watching the game in the greatest stadium in England was inspirational.
- Emma (Upper 5, Year 11)
Weekend Meals
To fuel these adventurous activities on the weekends the girls also enjoy breakfast and brunch. Boarders across both the Junior and Senior Boarding Houses meet together to share brunch each weekend.
Brunch is lovely. You can have lie in after a long week and go to brunch at 10am
- Rafiah (Upper 6)
On Saturdays Café 6 deliveries (usually a Sixth Form only privilege during the week) is open to all Senior Boarders for lunchtime baguettes. In the evening we honour “Ant and Dec” and have our very own Saturday night takeaway!
Fruit and cakes at Sunday lunch and a warming roast at supper on Sunday create some happy and well-fed girls set for the week ahead.
Relaxing in the House
Though the weekends may seem action packed and filled with numerous fun activities and plans, they are also a lovely opportunity to relax and allow the girls to chill with their friends. Most of our girls, whist they appreciate the activities on offer, describe chilling together as being their favourite part of the weekend at QAS.
I enjoy the weekends as they are a peaceful time to study, relax and socialise with friends
- Kim (Upper 6)
The Boarding Houses really do become a home away from home and through the tight knit community in each House that we share, firm friendships are formed. All our students and staff make the boarding houses the warm and special places they are. Weekends at QAS are never dull, it’s where friendships are strengthened and memories are made.