In these important initial years of life at Queen Anne’s, we aim to provide a supportive, friendly and well-disciplined environment in which girls can flourish socially and achieve their academic potential.

To enable this, we aim to provide an education of the highest quality, and to encourage application and excellence in all areas. At Queen Anne’s, girls are encouraged to become independent and motivated learners who are able to express ideas with confidence, and are curious about those around them and the world in which they live.

The teachers responsible for the academic well-being and strategic development of the Lower Years at Queen Anne’s are:

Head of Upper 4 (Year 9)
Mr Nick Blackwell
Head of 4s (Year 8)
Mr Mark Gerrard
Head of Lower 4 (Year 7)
Miss Sam Barlow


We are aware that personal happiness affects the girls’ ability to learn and thrive and so we are keen to ensure that students are quickly integrated and happy within their year group. This is enabled through teambuilding sessions including Drama, engineering and outdoor adventures. Girls are expected to treat each other with kindness and courtesy at all times.

At Queen Anne’s we also encourage girls to make the very most of the wealth and variety of co-curricular opportunities available to them and we are keen to foster a ‘have a go culture’, and to help the girls to become well-rounded individuals, well able to cope with the demands and challenges they will face in their GCSE and A-Level years.

Lower School Curriculum 

In addition to classroom learning, students at Queen Anne's are set regular preparation (homework) to complete independently.

What is prep?