Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Workshops

Lower 6 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Society members successfully ran a number of thought-provoking workshops to the lower years.

The workshops were brilliantly structured, allowing for discussions on topics such as 'how to be anti-racist, 'what makes up our identity and 'how to be an ally'. By encouraging discussions on such important topics, the EDI Society has been able to gain insight into the lower school’s current knowledge, with the aim of producing information and resources which will later be distributed throughout the school. The response from the lower years has been great, as they approached the workshops with open minds and maturity.

The aims of the workshops were to give students a better understanding of the topics that are regularly discussed within the EDI Society. The society worked extremely hard to produce the workshops, with L6 students Rowena, Sahiba and Joanna creating the presentations and resources and the rest of the L6 team answering the numerous questions that arose during the workshops. Head of the EDI Society, Joanna, stated “I am really proud of the work that we have done and I can already see the difference in not only people’s awareness of these topics, but their knowledge; I hope these workshops become a regular part of the school year as I believe that frequent conversations around these topics should be promoted and normalised in order to see the most benefits”.



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