April 24th 2019
BrainCanDo has been featured across various media outlets recently, following the news of the brand new ‘ultimate revision guide’.
Queen Anne’s School has has spent five years working with neuroscientists at universities including Oxford, Reading and Goldsmiths, London, to understand how teenage brains work to optimise learning.
The findings have been published in the new BrainCanDo Revision Guide, which includes some very interesting revision tips involving lemons!
Read some of Queen Anne’s School and BrainCanDo’s news features below:
- BBC News – Revision tips: Sniffing lemons and squeezing ears
- The Times – Exam tips: sniff a lemon or squeeze your ear, says ’neuroscience’ guide
- Huffington Post – Smelling A Lemon Will Help Your Kids Sail Through Exams, Say Neuroscientists
- Daily Express – How to pass school exams: You’ll need a lemon and a whiteboard
- Independent Schools Magazine – Neuroscience and the Teenage Brain (page 5)
If you would like to purchase the new BrainCanDo Revision Guide, please email info@braincando.com for more information.