After what felt like an extremely long summer, it's great to all be back at Queen Anne's!
Our Upper Sixth students are already hard at work revising for their A Level mock exams in the Digital Learning Space.
Here are their thoughts on their first week back:
“It’s so nice to be back at school and to see my friends and teachers again, I have really missed everyone!” – Lily C
“It’s been so lovely to see everyone back in school and having face-to-face lessons. The U6 are staying positive as we prepare for mocks next week, so it has been really nice to be able to support one another again in person. We can’t wait to see how the rest of the year goes as it’s already been such a great start to term!” – Anna H
“I am enjoying making the most out of the breakout rooms in the Space for my revision.” – Eve L
“It has been interesting to see all the changes of how the school is running, and as a music prefect how the music department is running. I am enjoying being back to a structure of routine.” – Jess E
“I have enjoyed working in the DLS as it’s really nice having everyone in one space!” - India P