Dr Fancourt, Head of Psychology and BrainCanDo lead, gave the Lower Sixth an insight into how to train their brain for A Level studies last week. Dr Fancourt dispelled some common myths about the brain as well as giving invaluable advice for the new academic year.
"There were many valuable points to be taken away from Dr Fancourt’s session, however the most important thing that I learned was about time-management. It is normal for people to complain about stress from heavy workloads, but it is important to take a step back and look at how we are spending our time in order to ensure that we don’t burn out, and get enough sleep." - Rowena
"Dr Fancourt's presentation busted many myths that I had previously heard about the human brain! I learnt that not only do we use more than 10% of our brain but there is no such thing as being 'left-brained' or 'right-brained'. Her talk gave me a lot of insight into how I can reduce stress by managing my time and getting enough sleep, and how research shows that the most effective revision technique is testing yourself on content instead of only reading over it." - Joanna
"I found it interesting that work-related stress is related more to feeling of lack of control rather than amount of work. Testing myself is also a thing which I need to work on doing because I tend to revise by re-reading. I enjoyed the Kahoot quiz and found that I knew much more answers than I thought!" - Tasha