As you may of guessed, Drama A Level is looking a bit different this year due to less frequent productions and, although there is a L6 and U6 showcase in December, a socially distanced audience filled with both year groups and our parents! However, the A Level students are powering through and are still being able to work on new and exciting drama pieces.
I spoke to Antigone S from the U6 who told me about what her class has been getting up to this half-term. Antigone explained that in her lessons they are currently working on the devised section of the A Level exam in which they are using the stimulus ‘metamorphosis’.
The U6 class are using this stimulus to create scenes using the same themes and techniques of the theatre practitioner Artaud who is best known for conceptualizing a 'Theatre of Cruelty’ which aims to shock audiences through gesture, image, sound and lighting. The scenes of their devised piece all focus on the ideas of separation, isolation and change using techniques and ideas from Artaud about shocking the audience and utilising different performance techniques such as singing and dancing, rather than just traditional acting. This all allows for an abstract piece of work that will be sure to impress the examiner.
In the L6 we have also been working on our devised pieces which we have just completed, in order to be stored away for our performance in December. Our stimulus is around the theme of watching and being watched, and we are also using the ideas of Artaud to often surprise the audience when they least expect it and to create a single space with no barriers between the audience and the performers. We continue to follow his ideas through the use of mime, gesture and physical theatre rather than just using words.
I spoke to Grace W who is also taking drama A Level, who told me “I really enjoyed working on our devised piece as it’s been really interesting to work in a small group and create themes that will hopefully have just as much impact had it been a larger group”.
Overall, taking Drama A Level has been an extremely enjoyable experience which had often been challenging but rewarding at the same time. As a class we are excited to next begin a new piece of drama in which we will be performing scenes from the play ‘Abigail’s Party’.
By Caitlin V