Performing Arts Workshop
Drama Workshop

On Thursday 12 September, those of us who chose not to go on the residential trips across the year groups, still had a fun and exciting day. We all met up in the dance studio where we were split into 3 groups. My group headed to the drama department where we played lots of fun games and ended with a bake show role play.

After we finished in the PAC, we headed to the Taylor Hall for our music session. Here we began to practice our African drumming. We did a call and response, improv and polyrhythms and I was chosen to be the master drummer. This meant that I got the biggest drum and had to begin the performance and I instructed the rest of my group on when it was time to switch to the next style. We also got to play Splat as a fun game which I really enjoyed as it helped us to refresh before we continued with the drumming.

Then we went to the dance studio. Here we started with an energetic warm-up with some fun music. Next, we began to learn a jazz-funk style dance to Will Smith’s old song. We went through the steps slowly and learnt it bit by bit. We tried it with the music (which was a bit difficult) and it ended up looking really good! I also enjoyed being able to try a completely new style of dance which was K-pop. Even though the music was fast-paced, I wasn’t always able to keep up, it was still super fun!

As this was our last activity, we all headed to the PAC to watch and perform what we had learnt throughout the day. We started by watching the African drumming. My group was second and I was a bit nervous, however, once we started performing, all my nerves went away and I really enjoyed it. I was able to tell my group when to transition over to the next style. After watching the other amazing performances, it was time for all of us to perform the dance that we had learned as a group. Everyone was smiling and  energetic and seemed like they were having a great time. The last thing we did was a really nice movie night in the forum. We had sweets and popcorn and we got to watch The Greatest Showman. I thought it was the perfect way to round off such an amazing day.

Overall, I really enjoyed myself and I thought it was really cool to explore different areas of performing arts which I never would have thought to try.


- Qadirah (U5)


#QASDrama #QASFierceMinds #QASU5 #QASPerformingArts

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