Our L6 psychologists have been inventing solutions for short-term memory loss. Creative solutions included ‘the noti-lense’ a contact lense that records memories and directly transfers them to the long-term memory stores in the brain!
Lower sixth played a game of 'patently stupid' – a game where in teams you create an invention for a problem and pitch your invention to the class. The pitch should include the title of the invention, a catchphrase and a drawing!
Through Microsoft Teams, the class was split up into breakout rooms so that they could work on their inventions. When time was up, the breakout rooms closed and everyone returned to the main class call to present!
Here are some of the inventions! (there were bonus points awarded for psychology references!)
The ‘Brain Cave’ titled ‘My brain is like the Bermuda triangle; information goes in but is never found again!’ The Brain Cave solves this problem! Imogen T and Emily D.
The ‘Noti-lense’ ‘Enlight your sight!’. This device is a wearable contact lens that records your memories directly into your memory store in the brain – although does involve some quite intense brain surgery to fit! By Laetitia C, Georgie W and Tiggy S.
The ‘Memory Glasses’ ‘Look into your memory’ and provide a wearable solution to your short-term memory issues, recording memories and playing them back – they’re also quite trendy! By Lily C, Anna H, Lucy R and Neetya T.
‘Transforming Lives’ - this new revolutionary treatment for short term memory loss combines many health benefits, not only to cure your short-term memory loss but also improve your general health so that it does not deteriorate. By Holly K, and Amy M.
‘The Clive Controller’ Named after the famous memory case study on Clive Wearing, The Clive controller is a robotic butterfly that flies by your side all day assisting you with your short term memory, a bit like a home assist device! By Lily M, Niamh M, and Jas V.
Other inventions included:
‘Watch and Learn’ – a wearable watch with inbuilt time machine for going back to revisit memories in the last 24 hours, and also acoustic signalling for helping boost short-term memory encoding. By Scarlett S and Eclair S.
‘Brain wave baseball cap’ Another piece of wearable tech that boosts your brain activity and ability to remember things in the short term.
‘Trigger memory’ – this invention is a lifestyle app downloadable on all devices that helps to manage short-term memory problems by tracking your sleep (important for memory consolidation) and your diet and other memory related lifestyle choices. By Camille B, Chloe B, Alice C and Rosie H.