TV Presenter and Alumna Georgie Palmer visits QAS
Alumnae L6

On Friday 28 June, we were thrilled to welcome former Queen Anne's Head Girl Georgie Palmer back to school to talk to our Lower 6 students. After leaving QAS in 1993, Georgie has become a highly successful TV presenter, broadcast journalist and media coach and she kindly offered to share her journey with us.

After completing her A levels at school, she left QAS to travel around South America before returning to the UK to study French and Spanish at university, both of which she still speaks fluently.

From an early age, she always knew she wanted to work in broadcasting, particularly the BBC but it wasn’t an easy career path, 

Nobody really knew much about broadcasting in those days – my careers advisor hadn’t got a clue, and my parents tried to discourage me but I just knew I had to trust my instincts even if no-one else was going to help me – I was determined to keep following my dream.

Georgie relates how she applied for many jobs and work experience and got rejected numerous times. She took every opportunity that she was offered, working stints as a researcher, runner and doing voice-overs. “You just need to get loads of work experience – I can’t stress that enough – just keep going!” She described the process as relentless but her determination and self-belief was finally rewarded when joined the BBC in 2009 as a weather presenter and entertainment correspondent.

She’s now a freelance presenter, writer, compere and voice over artist as well as running her own media coaching business. Georgie is also an accomplished open water swimmer, having swum The Channel as part of a relay team in 2016.

She talked about how QAS was still a constant theme in her life as she is still in touch with the group of friends from her school days, 

We are all strong, confident women who have grown up with each other, offering support throughout our lives.

 Reflecting on the QA school motto, Georgie tells the Lower 6 to be kind to themselves and others but to be fierce and stand up for what they believe in and what feels right.

Georgie’s closing advise was to harness the desire to always want to learn more and to try new things, 

Always have the confidence to try and fail in life – I keep all my rejection letters in a huge file as a reminder of my self-belief and determination to succeed. Follow your dreams! 

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