iDEA Award Achievements

Our students have been working hard towards their iDEA Awards, and many have recently achieved bronze and silver certificates!

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is an international programme that helps young people develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Through a series of online challenges, students complete badges that lead to industry-recognised awards, that allow them to stand out from the crowd.

Well done to Marie W, Iris C, Phoebe R, Jaey S, Scarlett B, Izzy S, Temi A, Emily B, Helen J, Alice R and Jemima L, who have completed their Bronze Awards!

Congratulations to Phoebe R and Alice R who have also achieved their Silver Awards!

Many of our students are within reach of their Bronze and Silver Awards, and we look forward to celebrating even more award completions soon.

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