Young Engineers take on the Faraday Challenge

On Thursday 10 December our 4s students took part in the Faraday Challenge.

The Faraday Challenge brings together STEM subjects and presents students with the task of solving a real-world problem. The challenge inspires young people to get creative, and demonstrate that they have the engineering skills required to put their ideas into practice.


Our 4s students split into teams of 6 or 7, and were asked to plan, design, create and present an original invention based on a top-secret brief. As this is a national challenge, we cannot disclose the details of this brief until this year’s challenge is over!

Each team was given a ‘credit card’ with 120 ‘faradays’, to buy items from the shop. These interesting items included solar panels, motors, LED lights, moisture sensors and more, for the girls to use in their inventions.

When planning, designing and building their inventions, our students were challenged to consider energy efficiency, sustainability and capacity for growth.

Our girls came up with some brilliant inventions, and recorded their video presentations to send to a panel of expert judges, who will assess them on their planning, development, budgeting, product engineering, presentation and teamwork.

Well done to all of our young engineers who took part in the Faraday Challenge! We look forward to hearing the overall results in the future.

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