On Monday 13th June, the 4’s were tasked with answering the question, “What does success mean to you?”
The students spent some time discussing what success looks like - “Fame”, “lots of money”, “doing something you love”, “being fulfilled” were just some of the suggestions.
They debated what a successful person looks like, how much money they had, if they had a family, what car they drove, how many pets they had and if they were happy.
Students were set a task involving passing a ball through the group to get from one end to the other. They were required to think how they were going to measure their success. Would they be a success if everyone took part? If no-one dropped the ball? If they did it in the fastest time? If they followed the instructions?
This demonstrated to them that individuals need to define what success means to them and not compare their success to others. Everyone is on their own journey and “comparison is the thief of joy”.