RAF Benson Careers Trip
Careers Trips

What a way to start the Trinity term with joy and enthusiasm for careers!

On Wednesday 17 May,  a group of students went to the 'What You Can Be' event at RAF Benson where they had the opportunity to meet a whole range of high achieving and motivated women who just want to be their best selves.

They spoke with members of the Falcons parachute display team who had over 1,000 jumps between the two of them and had a glimpse of their view of the world when jumping by wearing a VR headset. The students were incredibly impressed!

Throughout the event they met; military police, personal trainers, logistics, mountaineers, explorers, a football referee, a commercial pilot, and a female Yeoman from the Tower of London.

Our students were inspired by everything they heard and saw from the amazing women who were part of the event. They can be and do whatever they want and shouldn't be held back by stereotypes or what they think society wants them to do!

Feedback from students was highly positive:

How did the event help you to raise your awareness of different careers?

“It helped me because now I know how fun and different it is”.

“Before RAF Benson trip, I didn’t know that there was such a variety of jobs and there were so many jobs needed in the RAF”.

Who did you enjoy speaking to the most and why?

“I really enjoyed talking with the woman who had travelled in her career to Africa and many other places because she was encouraging us to do it and saying that is not that dangerous and that also women can do it”.

“The football coach because I love football”

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