A Trip to ZipWorld
Trips Enrichment

Last week, the L5 and L6 had the opportunity to explore the sites of ZipWorld in North Wales. Here was the opportunity for students to get out of their comfort zones and try things they have not done before. Both year groups really threw themselves into the activities from indoor caving, zip trekking and sleeping in Zipworld's bespoke pods. The trip ended with Velocity, the fastest zip line in the world! Katie, our Zipworld trip organiser, said:

‘It's been great having everyone on site, one of the main things all of the staff over all sites have said to me is how polite all of the girls are and how easy and smoothly everything was able to run due to them being so well behaved, especially with the weather not always being on our side!’

The L5 and L6 students had an incredible experience in Wales and returned with many stories to tell of their adventures. We are very proud of their postive 'can do' approach and the support and encourangement to their peers that they displayed throughout the trip. 

View the Flickr album here

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