Ethics in Business Conference
The moral dilemmas they face
Queen Anne’s School had the great pleasure of taking five students from L5 to the first Ethics in Business Conference at Leighton Park School on Wednesday 10 May.
Organised by Ethical Reading, students were given the opportunity to engage with several businesses and question them about their business ethics and how they navigate moral dilemmas.
Alice, Annabel, Eliza, Grace, and Molly (L5) spent time with representatives from Shoosmiths, Cotswold Fayre, NatWest, Grant Thornton and Francis Construction and offered their thoughts on the business scenarios that were presented.
Whose responsibility is it to encourage people to eat a healthy diet? The Government? The business growing and making our food? School? The health service? Individuals?
Should you use information shared with you by the CEO of a well-known company regarding a new product about to come to market to purchase stock in that business?
I enjoyed the ethics in business conference because it helped me understand the problems that businesses face. I most enjoyed the discussions and hearing the views of people from different schools.
Annabel, L5
There were some great discussions in the groups we worked with allowing students to understand different perspectives and opinions. Students also understood that everyone has a different moral compass, and their values and ethics may not align to theirs.
Our students very bravely participated in a networking lunch with students from Leighton Park, Bulmershe School, Downe House, Reading School and The Abbey who all sent students from Year 12.
Alice, Annabel, Eliza, Grace, and Molly were all amazing and were not intimidated by the businesses or the questions they asked.
If you would like more information about the conference, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
- Kelly Odell, Careers Lead