L4's Trip to Beale Park
4s Biology

On Thursday 30th September, the whole of the Lower 4s set out for Beale Wildlife Park to enhance their recent learning on ecology. Armed with waterproofs, sampling equipment and lots of enthusiasm, they split into groups to start their exciting day. 

The Lower Fourth started the year looking at  ecology, investigating the concepts of interdependence and bioaccumulation, food chains and webs,  as well as adaptations of organisms. Beale Wildlife Park offers great opportunities to extend this learning in a practical environment and is a trip that students remember for years. 

The morning was spent pond-dipping in the lake, looking at the aquatic creatures that inhabit the water. They discussed what adaptations they have to enable them to live there, as well as trying to put them in a connected food chain. They then went on to play games to explain the energy flow through food webs, toxin build-up and bioaccumulation. 

The afternoon gave students time to explore the Park and use their knowledge to describe the adaptations of the various larger, land animals. Lemurs, Zebras and prairie dogs were some of the favourites, but of course, a trip to Beale Park is not complete without a ride on the train!

This annual trip was enjoyed by both students and staff. The opportunity to learn and teach in a new environment, applying what they have learned in lessons directly to the field was invaluable. We hope the students had as much fun as the staff did! 


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