Biology Exploration Club
Biology Co-Curricular

The Biology Exploration Club has had a very successful first term! Lead by two A level students under the supervision of Mrs Watson and Mrs Szulc. students who take part can expect to dissect, examine anatomy, use high tech equipment and more!

The activities started with a pluck dissection to view the respiratory system of mammals which were then compared to the tracheal system in a locust. Students also investigated the digestive system of the locust, which was compared to the diet of a Barn owl when dissecting owl pellets. The discovery of vole and mouse bones, including vertebrae, ribs and skulls, in the pellets enabled them to a identify the prey of the Barn owl and then piece the bones together to create a skeletal profile of a vole.

Following on with the skeletal system theme, they then dissected a chicken wing to compare the key bones and joints to their own arms. Hinge joints and ligaments were identified, along with antagonistic muscles that move the wing.

Deeper exploration of biological anatomy could not be carried out without the use of microscopes. Using both light and binocular microscopes, they examined the wing structures of dragonflies, bees and butterflies, the scale pattern of snake skin and the presence of amyloplasts (starch grains) in potatoes.

 A dragonfly under a Binocular microscope

All this microscopy was captured, not only by the lens but also in ink by one of our fantastic L6 artists, Casey.

We are looking forward to new exploration challenges in Biology next academic year and inspiring our next generation of budding biologists!

- Mrs Watson and Mrs Szulc

#QASSTEM #QASFierceMinds


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