'When I grow up' careers competition

The final of our annual 'When I grow up' careers competition took place on Monday 15th November and was a big success with pupils researching careers within a wide range of career sectors such as Creative Arts, Law enforcement, Business and Education.

The 4s spent 5 weeks researching careers, learning all about the skills they would require, qualifications they would need and the daily responsibilities they would have.

Pupils developed their career management and critical thinking skills as they used a number of resources to research their chosen careers. The competition introduced them to some of the questions they need to ask when they are researching suitable careers for their own futures – What is the projected growth in the industry? How much will I be paid? Where are job opportunities located? How many different ways can I enter this career?


Staff attended the careers competition, asking lots of questions on each groups' chosen career. The girls did a brilliant job and knew lots about the sector they researched; the teachers were very impressed!

The winning team was Medicine:

Nurse presentation:

•             Lulu M

•             Tabi M

•             Olivia C

Surgeon presentation:

•             Leila C

•             Jess I

•             Chloe P

Congratulations to everyone that took part. They all produced amazing work.

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