The Lower 6 have been participating in some great workshops and organised days, all with the aim of preparing them for life after Queen Anne's.
Recently, they took part in a UCAS and personal statement day. The morning consisted of getting the students set up on the UCAS system; they were given guidance around how the system works and what they are required to do for each section. We were then fortunate enough to have Kevin Betts from the admissions team at Sussex University, lead a personal statement workshop; it was a great opportunity for the Lower 6 to receive his expert advice. By discussing university courses, different universities and assessing previous candidate statements, the students gained a better understanding of how to approach their statements, should they choose to apply to university.
Lower 6 student Sophie B reflected on the day, stating "being at this point of our lives, with many possible routes and options available, it can be both scary and exciting. However, we are continually reminded that we are supported and guided in whatever we may choose to do. The personal statement workshop was really helpful, the components of a personal statement were broken down, allowing us to begin to form the backbone of what will become our personal statements, this made the previously dauting task, seem less scary". She added, "I learnt that a personal statement is not just about listing your qualifications and characteristics but painting a picture of your personality; highlighting your dreams, your fears, aspirations for the future and how you’ve tackled problems that have shaped you to become the person you are today”.
The Lower 6 approached the day with great enthusiasm and are well on their way to producing some outstanding applications!
In addition to this, an interview day gave the students the opportunity to experience the process and formalities of an interview. Conducted virtually, the students had individual interviews which they had prepared for diligently. L6 student Serena recognised the day as a “unique and compelling experience”, when asked about her interview, Serena explained, “A professional atmosphere with the formalities of a real interview were replicated. There is value in this as I hope it will help relieve any disillusion that I would have felt had I not been given this opportunity. Overall, we are all extremely grateful to our interviewers for volunteering their time and to our careers advisor for organising the day. The knowledge we have gained from this experience is invaluable and has enlightened us for what to expect in the real world as we near the end of our Queen Anne’s’ journey”.
All students came away from their interviews with greater sense of confidence and the feedback from their interviewers has been nothing short of fantastic – a true reflection of the girls hard work and preparation.