Financial Market Simulation with Standard Chartered Bank

The Economics and Business Society were delighted to welcome Mr Gordon Daley from Standard Chartered Bank as a visiting speaker on Tuesday 22 May.

Mr Daley delivered a captivating presentation on the psychology of trading, providing the students with a brief but comprehensive overview of the historical context of financial trading on the stock markets. He delved into the intricacies of human behaviour, particularly in relation to risk-taking, offering valuable insights into the psychological factors that influence traders' decisions.

Following the presentation, the students were tasked to run an interactive trading game, where they were divided into small groups to simulate real-life stock market behaviour. This hands-on activity challenged them to apply the concepts they had just learned, running multiple rounds of the trading game and experiencing first hand the pressures and decision-making processes involved in trading.

The session was met with great enthusiasm, and the students thoroughly enjoyed the practical experience. It was an eye-opening and enriching opportunity for all involved, broadening their understanding of the financial markets and the psychological dynamics at play.

We extend our thanks to Mr Daley for his time and expertise, and for providing such an engaging and educational session.

Here are a few quotes from our students about the day:


“I found the trading games really fun. It was really challenging to understand at first, but once we got the hang of it, we really enjoyed it. I gained more from the experience by having a go and taking more risks.” Lauren


“The session was interesting and informative; especially understanding that the human behaviour aspect of trading could be a game changer. The highlight for me was the trading simulation at the end – I loved it!” Arabella


“I enjoyed seeing historical and mathematical concepts come alive, especially the part about the Financial Crisis and inaccurate predictions about the future from key politicians in the past.” Lucinda


“The trading game simulation gave me a taster and feel of what real-life trading in financial markets looks like. It is fast paced and you have to make good predictions of future movements in the stock prices before making a decision.” Prunella

#QASEcoSoc #QASFierceMinds

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