The opening performance of Les Misérables...
School Production Drama

Last night, the cast of Queen Anne’s joint production of Les Misérables, with Reading Boys’ School, took to the stage for their opening performance.

The theatre in the Performing Arts Centre was packed with excited audience members, awaiting a spectacular production that had been months in the making.

Accompanied by a live eleven-piece orchestra, actors from both Queen Anne’s and Reading Boys’ School gave outstanding displays of singing and drama at a professional level, receiving a standing ovation from the audience.

Of course, the success of the first performance of Les Misérables could not have been possible without the talented and hardworking technical production crew.

Assistant Technical Director, Isobel S (L6), spoke to us about the behind-the-scenes experience of the opening evening:

“The first show of a production is always a nerve wracking one but, with all of the checks that need to be done before the start, there was not much time to dwell on this. With twenty-two individual microphones for all of the soloists, keeping on top of their sound levels and when mic changes need to happen is a full time job. Thankfully, a fantastic backstage crew and technical team made up of both Queen Anne’s and Reading students meant that everything went smoothly last night!

The backstage crew, are so integral for a performance like Les Misérables, where there are very large sets and a multitude of props which must be in the right place at the right time. Working with Reading Boys’ School has given us a great opportunity to see how other people approach similar problems, and how we can incorporate our different working styles together, amongst professionals, to produce the best show possible. Hopefully this is the start of a long and successful partnership!”

The final tickets for the remaining performances of Les Misérables are still available to purchase here. Performances take place in the Performing Arts Centre at Queen Anne’s School, on the following dates:

  • Thursday 14 February 2019 – 7:30 pm
  • Friday 15 February 2019 – 7:30 pm
  • Saturday 16 February 2019 – 2:00 pm
  • Saturday 16 February 2019 – 7:30 pm

Congratulations to all of the cast, crew and staff involved in the productions of Les Misérables; we are looking forward to more show-stopping performances this week!

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