Queen Anne’s School Admissions Team: Assisting families to complete the admissions pathway for September 2020 entry despite being at home!
We are proud that Queen Anne’s school is maintaining a fully functioning teaching and learning experience for all of our girls through remote learning. The majority of our lessons are running to our normal timetable. The Admissions Team fully embrace the Queen Anne’s spirit and continue to maintain the flow of prospective families through the admissions pathway for September 2020 remotely. Since lockdown we have been able to complete the entire process with a number of families, from registration through to assessment, offers and acceptances of places for September 2020.
We are happy to take online registrations for all year groups*. We can arrange skype “visits” with The Headmistress or Registrar and we can complete the assessment process (entrance examinations and interviews where necessary) on-line whilst your daughter is at home.
We understand that some families are finding it difficult to arrange for their daughters to sit entrance examinations for senior schools whilst so many schools, agents offices and British Council offices around the world are closed. For that reason, and as a temporary solution, we are able to host skype invigilation to enable our applicants to sit our entrance exams. Our teachers are happy to mark the assessments remotely. This means that your daughter, should she reach our required standards, can be offered a place by Headmistress, Mrs Harrington to join Queen Anne’s School within days of registering with us.
To register please follow this link: www.qas.org.uk/admissions/register-now
One of our agents has commented that our “offer for a Skype “visit” and entrance exam invigilation is well appreciated and sets your admissions department apart from any other school”
*Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.