COVID Measures Announcement 28/02/22
Announcement Whole School

Following the Government announcement made over the half term break we have updated our COVID measures to be inline with the new government guidelines

This means:

  • The guidance relating to twice weekly COVID testing has been withdrawn. There is no longer a need to test twice weekly for staff or students. We will reserve a stock of lateral flow tests so that we have the ability to test if it is necessary.
  • The legal requirement to self isolate if a staff member or student catches COVID has been withdrawn. The Government still advise self isolation for 5 days, and to continue isolation until 2 lateral flow tests have shown negative results on consecutive days. We ask that if you suspect your daughter has COVID that she is tested and, in line with the Government position, we advise that if she tests positive you follow the isolation guidance. If your daughter is isolating at home, please let us know so that we can make arrangements for remote learning where needed.
  • As previously stated, face masks are no longer compulsory in school except if visiting the Health Centre and on home to school transport. Please feel free to wear a mask in other circumstances if you wish to do so.

Some students, staff and family members may be more vulnerable to the effects of COVID owing, for example, to underlying conditions. Please be assured that we will continue to monitor this new approach so that we can ensure the health of our whole community.

Thank you for your cooperation in implementing this.

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