Graeme Berry joined students from U5, L6 and U6 to talk about his career journey so far and the decisions he has made along the way.
Graeme left school at 16 with no idea on what career he wanted to have. But he did know that he enjoyed technical drawing which led him to a career using Computer Aided Design, programming, selling software and winning a technical Oscar in 2002. He now works for Siemens and travels the world.
Graeme discussed the importance of learning everything you can from each subject as you never know what opportunities may come your way in the future.
As part of his Mechanical Engineering degree, Graeme had to learn about plate tectonics and geology with no view to use this knowledge in the future. A few years down the line, and Graeme found himself working for a company involved in designing oil rigs and his geology knowledge was required every day.
Graeme finished his talk by encouraging students to think about their passions and what they are good at. Knowing your strengths and interests will allow you to make the right choices when it comes to choosing a career.