Return to School - Update
Announcement Whole School

Dear parents

After the latest announcement from the Government, we wanted to issue an update to our previous communication at the start of the year. 

After the news that schools are not expected to return until 8th March at the earliest, we intend to continue with our remote learning programme until this point.  We will, of course, continue to monitor progress and make any adjustments to this as necessary.  

We are so pleased to be able to offer a full remote learning programme to our students and, although we are all missing being able to be in school together, we have had fantastic feedback that our remote learning programme continues to be of real benefit to our students.

We will continue to monitor developments to the situation and we will make any updates to this as and when appropriate. 

For those students expecting to take public examinations this year, we continue to follow closely the situation with OFQUAL and the examination boards.   We will keep you informed of any further information or changes as it becomes available.  

We are very aware of how difficult this time is for our students and you as families.   BrainCanDo has prepared a series of workshops to help your daughters to deal with the inevitable anxiety and uncertainty that we all currently face and we will begin working with the girls on this over the coming weeks.  We will also be running sessions for parents over the course of the next few weeks so that you can gain greater insight into the changes in the adolescent brain in general and how the current crisis will be affecting this in terms of mental health and well being.   

 With very best wishes at this difficult time. 

Sincerely, Julia Harrington 

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