Queen Anne’s School came together for the fight against child slavery as we took part in CNN’s global #MyFreedomDay campaign. CNN came to school to film a variety of moving, student-led performances, including poems, songs and dances, as well informative presentations looking into victims' stories as well as the chocolate giant 'Toney's Chocolonely' and their work to end exploitation within the cocoa industry.
A live broadcast from the school’s Performing Arts Centre which was seen by viewers right around the world featured two students speaking passionately about the importance of the day and its message.
Tia (L5) said "it is so easy to think this isn't a modern-day issue”. Students emphasised the urgent need to raise awareness about the millions of children still trapped in forced labour worldwide.
A striking art installation was the backdrop for the day. Art students took turns sitting in a box, symbolising the harsh conditions children often endure in sweatshops. The powerful piece ended with a display of children’s T-shirts, each with a letter sewn in that together spelled out: FREEDOM TO LEARN.
We also had the pleasure of once again hosting Causeway Charity and a survivor of exploitation for an informative talk and Q&A about her experiences with exploitation and how she found the courage to speak out and find support.
The day was a moving reminder of the importance of education and freedom for every child, and Queen Anne’s students made sure their voices were heard.
Click here to view the Flickr album of the day.
#QASKindHearts #MyFreedomDay #CNN #QASPerformingArts #QASDance #QASMusic #QASArt #QASMediaStudies #QAEST