Queen Anne's marks Holocaust Memorial Day
English U5

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 our English Department organised for U5 students to take part in a live webcast with Eve Kulgar BEM.  The event was hosted by Natasha Kaplinsky OBE.

Eve is a Holocaust survivor and spoke to the virtual audience about her experiences.  Discussing her early family life in Germany, Eve talked to our students of travelling to America with her younger sister to escape the atrocities of this time, at just 7 years of age.

After travelling around America, whilst in and out of several foster homes, Eve was happily reunited with both her parents after they survived concentration camps, making them one of a very few families to survive the Holocaust.

Organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust, students also had a chance to ask questions via the live Q&A, which gave a further fascinating insight into her life.

After the webcast and as part of their Transactional Writing unit, our English Department set students a challenge to write a letter to Eve, with some wonderful results.  Take a look at the document here to see a few of these.

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