Winners of National Poetry Day 2022
Achievement English

Every year the English Department runs a whole school poetry writing competition to celebrate National Poetry Day.

This year, students were asked to write an original poem on the theme of ‘THE ENVIRONMENT’. The competition was compulsory for all Lower School students but open to other year groups.

A year group winner for L4, 4s and U4 and an overall middle school winner were chosen. 

Winners: Tianna B (L4), Tia G (4), Beatrice H (U4) and Isabella M (U5 - Middle School Winner).

These winning entries derived inspiration from the richness and diversity of the natural world: the seasons, creatures of the land and sea but also man’s impact on the natural world.

Read the year group winners' poems here.


Isabella M (U5) - Middle School Winner


Mama Earth


A footprint on this earth, such an innocent image

Yet our carbon footprint is on the rise

And increased heat causes such demise.


Our climates are changing, ice lands melting,

Oceans warming, flooding, heat waves, fires…

Oh what hullabaloo!  What can we do?


My pledge to you Mama Earth, is to walk, to cycle

When I can, to eat less meat, reuse, recycle

Wear jumpers, use heating less, help to rectify this mess.


Good luck Mama Earth, we’ll try to do our bit

Your nature is such a healer, your beauty incredible.

Let’s stay hopeful and positive and focus on the restorative.




Congratulations to all winners for your impactful poems. 

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