A Poem for Speech Day - Let the Summer Celebrations Begin!
English Whole School

Mr Jackson, Writer in Residence

As the academic year 2021/22 comes to an end, I found myself in excited mood and so felt compelled to compose a little sonnet about Speech Day.

There is a touch of the Wordsworthian ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’ here, I hope!


Speech Day at Queen Anne’s

By Mr Jackson

No school has better pageantry than this,

when classes have closed to a clamour

of whooping and cheer, and the imminent bliss

of eight weeks off has all the glamour

of a dream; when the shining-morning hall

stands like a ready ship, bobbing away,

to a chorus of gulls’ chatter and bird call

and the teachers in fine academic array

arrive like a shoal of fishes to attend;

when the students – champions of the day –

relive the triumphs of the year and ascend

the main stage to a fervent roundelay

of applause. Speech Day! Never will you see

A sight so touching in its majesty

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