At Queen Anne's we have a strong Alumni network. Former students are always offering to come back to the school and speak with current pupils about the paths they have taken since leaving the school.
During the Sixth Form the students are exposed to the many options available to them once they leave school, whether an apprenticeship, degree apprenticeships, traineeship, full-time work, gap years, volunteering or University. The students will have a number of talks on the options available and continuous support throughout the Sixth Form to help them make their decision.
We were fortunate enough to have former student Isabelle, come to the school to speak with the current Upper 6. Isabelle left Queen Anne's in 2019 and is currently in her second year at The University of Reading. Isabelle is studying for a degree in Business Management and shared an invaluable insight into life at university.
Her highly informative talk covered topics such as, academic studying, exams, managing your workload, working whilst at university, facilities available to students, managing your money and general life as a university student. Isabelle then answered questions from the girls.
Many of the Upper 6 will be in the process of completing their UCAS forms; being well informed about university is highly important as it can be a dauting time for students. Hearing from a former QA student who is going through what some girls will be doing this time next year, can ease their worries or uncertainty.