Dramatic times in dramaramaland

This week saw the third Drama Scholars’ workshop run by Mr Godfrey and this followed a hugely successful Drama Scholars’ Gala Evening organised by Mr Punter. All 17 of the Drama Scholars performed a piece of their choice ranging from Shakespeare to modern drama to comedy to Theatre of the Absurd. The performances were followed by a delicious buffet supper and a specially made Drama Scholars’ cake.

Elsewhere in dramaramaland, rehearsals continue for this term’s production. “The Roses of Eyam” tells the true story of the Derbyshire village of Eyam when the plague arrived there in 1665. Rehearsals have begun for the student-led production of “Legally Blonde” which will be performed in March. Auditions for next term’s main production, “Top Table” have recently taken place and auditions for the lower school production of “Bugsy Malone” will be taking place soon. No rest for the wicked…..

Our recent alumni continue to do very well in their performing arts careers, in particular Caitlin Croke (left 2016) is making a name for herself – she has just finished filming a role in Danny Boyle’s new film, “Pistol”.

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