Little Shop of Horrors
Performing Arts Senior Production

Audiences were dazzled with our much-anticipated production of Little Shop of Horrors, a thrilling musical event that took place over three nights.

Students brought the classic tale to life with stunning singing and dance performances. We were delighted to collaborate with talented performers from Reading Boys, the first since Chicago two years ago.

Heartfelt congratulations to the wonderful cast and backstage crew as well as the phenomenal staff who worked so hard for the past six months to make this production such a resounding success.

With such a high standard set, anticipation is already building for next year’s school production!

You can also view the Flickr album of opening night here.

#QASFierceMinds #QASDrama #QASMusic #QASDance #QASPerformingArts #LittleShopofHorrors #QASSeniorProduction

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