At the end of last term, GeogSoc had the privilege of hosting a Round Square Schools Geography Lab, where Queen Anne’s students, as well as students from other schools, discussed sustainable cities and how we can shape a better urban future.
At the start of the session, Queen Anne’s GeogSoc members introduced sustainable measures in Reading. We highlighted social and economic sustainability strategies with the inspiring work of the Whitley Community Development Association, as well as environmental and social sustainability at Reading Station and Reading Festival.
It was equally thought provoking to hear students from the other schools share sustainability initiatives local to them. In our breakout rooms, we presented and compared approaches to sustainability in different urban places local to each school, for example Carpinteria in California, Dubai and Bengaluru - which links to one of the A level topics studied. From smart city projects to grassroots community programs, their insights broadened our understanding of how diverse cities around the globe are tackling similar challenges in unique ways.
After our breakout room discussions, we each shared our key takeaways including the role of social media and strategies students have implemented in their respective schools.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this vibrant exchange of ideas!
- Esha (L6)
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