Niamh, L5
Kind Hearts

Niamh joined the School in Lower 4 in September 2016. She is now in Lower 5 (year 10) and has particular passions for dance, drama and lacrosse, and tremendous house spirit.

“I’ve always liked to throw myself into things, and Queen Anne’s has certainly given me the opportunity to try an array of different sports, drama, dance and academic subjects.  I am particularly proud to be a member of the U15A lacrosse team, and a member of the Junior Dance Company. It’s all quite a commitment but I love the camaraderie, and it has given me self-confidence, which I feel is so important for women these days.

Self-belief and confidence are definitely things that are pivotal parts of being a Queen Anne’s student, and an ethos of ‘giving it your best no matter what’ is something instilled in all of us.  I feel that we all have pride in our school and actually feel very lucky to be part of the Queen Anne’s community.”

Kind Hearts

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