Zara, Upper 5
Kind Hearts

Zara joined the School in Lower Four. She is now in her fifth year as a boarder at Queen Anne’s, and has proved to be a valuable member of our community. Zara shares her experience of balancing her love for sport and STEM, as well as her time as a boarding student.

“When I first came to Queen Anne’s the fact that I was in a house really helped me to settle in. My best friends in U5 are the girls I first met in my boarding house, and I am now deputy head of house and STEM prefect.

I have always had a love for maths and the sciences, in particular physics and loved to take part in anything STEM related. I’m currently in the middle of building a model wind tunnel as an engineering project – I would love to become a Formula 1 engineer.
I also enjoy athletics, particularly discus, and now compete for my club, county and country in the events. Had it not been for Queen Anne’s and the encouragement from the PE department I would not have gotten into athletics!

One thing you should know is that I am a massive foodie, so I love everything, but the school’s gammon and pineapple salsa really does it for me!”

Kind Hearts

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