Congratulations to Molly S in L5 who has had an article published in the Music Teachers’ Association Ensemble Magazine. The article entitled “What is the Largest Factor Contributing to Decreased Pupil Numbers Receiving Musical Education in the UK?” offers comprehensive research and analysis of the challenges facing musical education in the UK.
“This reduction is of concern due to the enormous benefits that musical education can provide to young people, including increased happiness and better communication skills; many positive effects extend throughout a lifetime,” says Molly.
Her broad research explores music programmes in socio-economically disadvantaged communities, primary school teaching projects, the impact on GCSE and A-level entries and more.
In the new academic year Queen Anne’s School will be partnering with Dr Adam Whittaker, Research Fellow at Birmingham City University, to research and promote the importance of music within schools and we are sure that Molly’s excellent insights will be a welcome contribution to the conversation.