Caitlin Croke left Queen Anne’s in 2016, but it feels like she has never been away. ‘Crokie’ as she is affectionately known, has just been signed onto the books of Brynmoor Associates, one of the most influential Entertainment Agents in the UK. Returning to deliver a masterclass for a selection of current Queen Anne's girls, she has taken time out of her busy schedule, to talk to us about what she has been up to since graduating.
“I’ve always known I wanted to perform. It was always a little seed and at times I came away from it, but then I came back to it and it snowballed from there. I really remember the production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ where I was playing The Mad Hatter and I was told that I had a lot to work on....so I did!”
It was that desire from Caitlin to push out of her comfort zone and immerse herself in every available opportunity, that helped her establish her passion for the subject.
“I started doing LAMBDA lessons and then did all of the co-curricular activities and drama clubs and plays. I did everything! All of the sport, all of the drama, all of the music! I realised that I really cared about the drama.
My favourite thing would be to come to the drama department and take part in exercises and anything that was going on. In GCSE drama, I was put in a group where we gelled particularly well together. I remember thinking ‘I want to do this forever’.”
It was exploring all these opportunities which helped Caitlin as she continued to develop her passion and explore the subject further through to U5.
“My first introduction to physical theatre was ‘Doctor Faustus’. There were 3 other girls and we were all acting as one. It was the first time that I had experienced that acting was not just about standing there and saying words.
At Queen Anne’s we had an opportunity to become members of the National Youth Theatre. One day I got an email asking for people who wanted to audition for Forth Monkey Theatre Company, and I was immediately intrigued. The main selling point was…it was free!”
After leaving Queen Anne’s in 2016 and successfully auditioning, Caitlin did three years with the company. Over her time with them she experienced a combination of performances, classes and touring theatre. Movement and ensemble pieces were a particular joy.
“My highlight was performing at the Edinburgh Fringe and collaborating with Rich Rusk from Gecko Theatre Company putting together an immersive theatre show. I joined Forth Monkey saying I wasn’t a physical performer, but now I am now more of a mover than anything else!”
So, what is next for Caitlin? “I’m currently writing about four different things…one of them has been brewing in my brain for about 6 years. Hopefully I will continue to write and perform these, I am also looking to collaborate with different groups over the next year to develop my ideas and stories, and to help me grow as a performer.”
Caitlin is clear that her experience at Queen Anne’s and the support from her drama teacher Mr Punter helped her grow this passion over her time here.
“I loved the opportunity to do everything! I had the opportunity to experience so much, especially all of the extracurricular opportunities – sport, drama, music. It gave me the opportunity to find out what I really cared about.”
What would her advice be for Queen Anne girls? “I felt pulled in quite a few directions. I started obsessing about the most impressive job and degree I could get, because I wanted everyone to think I was smart.
Just because you’re a drama girl doesn’t mean you can’t do anything else.
I ended up doing lots of things I was good at, but I didn’t enjoy. My advice would be – if you like doing something, don’t stop doing it. Queen Anne’s gives you the opportunity to follow your dreams.”