Ava takes to the stage at the Royal Albert Hall
L4 Achievement

Ava P (4) had an amazing experience when she performed at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday 4 November.

She danced to a piece of music called Fireworks composed by Douglas Coombes MBE, who was conducting the orchestra on the night. The show was for the Barnardos Benefit Concert.

“I was extremely excited that I had the opportunity to dance at the Royal Albert Hall on 4 November. It was my first big show that I have danced in, so I was quite nervous.

I left school slightly early and rushed to the train station. Our train was around forty-five minutes, followed by a tube to High Street Kensington. We walked to the Royal Albert Hall from there, which was freezing that day! I was very excited that I got to enter through the ‘stage door’ which I was very pleased about. There I was met by a security lady and she escorted me down to my dressing room. Our dance was called ‘Fireworks’ so we all wore black leotards and lyrical skirts; mine was red.

The dance went really well!  We hadn’t had loads of time to practise so I pleased that we did it without any mistakes. We were dancing to a live orchestra which we hadn’t rehearsed with, so we had to make sure we knew our counts. I am very happy that I had this amazing opportunity and I am thrilled it was at the Royal Albert Hall as it was a whole new level!”

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