Queen Anne’s embraces remote learning to reach 10,000 lesson milestone!
Remote Learning Whole School

Queen Anne’s School is ensuring that teaching and learning has continued for their students despite the national lockdown. Since fully transitioning to remote learning following government guidance, they are delighted to have now delivered over 10,000 periods of academic and wellbeing lessons through their #remotelearning programme to ensure that their students have been able to continue their education throughout this uncertain time.

In addition to these sessions, Queen Anne’s have also managed to deliver internal exams, extensive enrichment sessions, full school assemblies, year group assemblies, house meetings and tutor times, all remotely.

Using a range of specialist tools, including video conferencing software, Queen Anne’s has ensured that students have received lessons, assemblies and exams just as they would if they were physically in school. This in-depth remote learning experience has certainly produced its own challenges but has produced fantastic feedback from students and their parents.

Headmistress Julia Harrington commented “We are proud to have reached this fantastic milestone within our #remotelearning programme. Queen Anne’s School has always risen to a challenge and we have been determined to adapt to ensure that we continue to deliver a first-class education throughout this period. We have supported our students and worked hard to continue school life with enthusiasm, imagination and a positive attitude. The whole school community have risen to the challenge and embraced this time with kind hearts, fierce minds and most definitely a strong spirit. After all, that’s what we are known for!”

As well as hitting the fantastic milestone of 10,000 lessons, Queen Anne’s have also delivered over 250 tutor, well-being and pastoral support sessions to their students who at the current time are based in 28 different countries.

In addition to this, they have also successfully held their first ever virtual Open Morning as well as a virtual New Girls’ Day to welcome new students who are due to start in September, alongside their parents. After some tremendous feedback it is something which they are planning to insert regularly into their calendar.

Having already been recognised as digital leaders in learning by Microsoft, Queen Anne’s was recently awarded the prestigious Microsoft Showcase School Award acknowledging the extensive digital teaching and learning that has become integral to the school’s approach. Demonstrating their commitment to innovative learning, they now have 50 Microsoft Innovative Educators on the teaching staff.

Assistant Head Thomas Lange said “Our learning journey has continued rather than being disrupted. The school has facilitated an environment that allowed for learning while embracing the opportunities that the digitally integrated delivery of the curriculum provided.”

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