The School Library – Trinity 2021
‘As we need to protect bubbles from mixing, and to ensure the safe handling and quarantining of physical resources, we haven’t been able to open the library to girls or staff in the normal way this academic year. Although specific groups of girls from the upper years have been allowed in to use the space for study, the library shelves have not been open for browsing and we have been operating a “click and delivery” service to everyone in school. To bring the library to the girls, we have put together browsing boxes for the L4 and 4 reading lessons which have been delivered to the classrooms, and similar browsing boxes for the older girls have been placed in each of the houses. We have been replenishing these at intervals to give the girls new selections of reading material. Many of the girls have also become very proficient at using the library catalogue reservation system.
As new books come in, we use the signage screens in the restaurant to show off our new purchases and encourage the girls to borrow those suitable to their age. We use our Twitter feed, which is also displayed in the restaurant, to highlight books and reading, and we put up information about book awards and suggestions for books focusing on topics of interest to the school community.’
- Mrs Helen Norris, Head Librarian and Archivist
A couple of recent editions to the School library: 'Look Both Ways' by Jason Reynolds and 'Echo Mountain' by Lauren Wolk - both books are suitable for 4s and up.