U5 Celebration Prom 2021

The U5 were rewarded for all their hard work these past two GCSE years with their celebration Prom. The event was organised entirely by the prom committee with the support of Mrs Barlow and Mr Beaumount and was an excellent exercise in flexibility considering the ever changing guidelines of what was allowed. The students did themselves proud and had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. 


“The design was spectacular, and truly made it a magical night that none of us will forget. The hard work that the prom committee put in to the decoration could be seen clearly. And in addition to Mr Boyes’ and Mr Stephenson’s impressive dancing, the night was amazing and just what we needed to conclude a melancholy year!! ”


“It was planned impeccably and looked spectacular. Everyone had a great time and even the teachers got their dance on!”


“Prom was very well organised which made it a very successful night and fun for everyone, and the food was delicious too”

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