Whole School Wellbeing

QASFEST 2021 was an absolute blast and the highlight of this year’s Arts Week. The fun filled, festival-style event organised by the Music Department saw live music and dance performances on a professional stage which was kindly funded by QASPA - lighting and sound was balanced perfectly by our very own Mr Mace. The girls enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere whilst enjoying an ice-cream (or two!) which had been supplied by the QA Society.

A bouncy castle, given by the Wellbeing Department was a real hit; the slip and slide also proved popular as the girls slid down a soapy slope all whilst dodging the water shooters. Compere Mr Blunt was almost outshone by our MCs Miss Blackett and Mr Stevenson, but not quite! We had lashings of lemonade and candy floss and the Charters ate their teas on the lawn in perfect bubbles.


This was a well-deserved celebratory culmination of what has been a difficult year for everyone and we all had a lovely time!

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