What has been happening in the Music Department?
Concert Music

Queen Anne's musicians have been extremely busy performing three concerts this week!

Monday 6 December - Hilarie's FTCL Violin Recital

On Monday, Lower 6 student Hilarie performed her FTCL violin recital programme with accompanist Anita D’Attellis. This was a remarkable performance and Hilarie played music by Bach, Mendelssohn and Wieniawski. John Padley (Director of Music) said afterwards "Hilarie’s rendition of Mendelssohn’s famous violin concerto was the most amazing display of virtuosic playing and technical skill that I have ever experienced in a school setting".

Hilarie has her examination on Sunday 12 December, so we are all wishing her good luck!

Tuesday 7 December - Concerto Concert

The first half of the concert focused on soloists, Eleanor U4 (cello), Juny U5 (violin), Jaey U5 (flute) and Philippa U5 (violin). They performed pieces which were all are diploma level by J C Bach, Bruch and Stamitz.

Our QAS string quartet opened the second half with a beautiful performances of Schubert’s A minor string quartet. This was followed our Sinfonia Orchestra in action performing Denis Bedard’s Organ Concerto directed by Jonathan Burnett with soloists Ben Giddens (organ) and Nicola U5 (viola). This was spectacular playing by our string players and they handled the complexities of the work with ease.

Wednesday 8 December - Piano Concert

Ten of our gifted pianists from 4s – U6 performed a wide range of works from Bach to Copland. The standard of playing and musicality was wonderful to experience especially the two piano version of Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto in G minor played by Helen U5 and Mrs Bilic.

Piano Concert Programme:

Scarlett H (U4) - Rondo by Haydn

Candy H (U6) - Variations in C minor by Beethoven

Emily L (L6) - October by Tchaikovsky

Anna M (4s) - Gnossienne No.4 by Satie

Megan C (U5) - Abshied by Schumann

Helen J (U5) & Mrs Bilic - Piano Concerto in G minor 1st mvt. by Mendelssohn

Kay W (L6) - Allegro by C P E Bach

Molly S (U6) - Cat and a mouse by Copland

Megan C (U5), Helen J (U5), Mrs Bilic & Mr Padley - Champagne Toccata by Gillock 

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