Queen Anne’s school have seen many gifted musicians attend the school. Each year a new wave of talent enters the school, wowing audiences at school concerts, solo recitals and school celebrations. A number of students, from across the year groups at Queen Anne’s choose to complete external examinations alongside their academic studies.
Recent achievements include, 13-year-old musician Scarlett receiving a Distinction in her ARSM examination in which she played a 30 minute recital on the piano, achieving an exceptional 48/50. Last summer, twins Jaey and Juny (Upper 5) achieved their ARSM on flute and violin, respectively. And Jaey has just passed her ATCL diploma after receiving her associate diploma, an achievement usually reached in the first year of an undergraduate degree. Jaey has also reached the final of the ISA Young Musician of the Year.
Upper 5 student Helen achieved her LTCL from Trinity College on the piano, where she played works by Rachmaninoff, Schumann, Haydn and Mendelssohn. At just 15 years old, Helen has achieved a qualification many don’t achieve until their final year of their undergraduate degree.
Students have also been successful at the Berkshire Young Singer of the Year competition, with Serena, currently in Upper 6 winning in 2020. We have once again had a student enter the competition; Ella in Lower 5 is in this year’s final, we wish her the best of luck for her performance on the 13th March.
The Scott Music Centre is rarely quiet, the sounds of all styles of music can be heard in the corridors. With two stunning recital halls, an ensemble space, Mac Suite, recording studio and 16 practice rooms, the music department is well equipped for students to develop their passion for music. With the help of a dedicated team of music staff, whether you have never picked up an instrument or have been playing for many years, the facilities and teaching ensures the girls blossom.
Director of Music, Mr John Padley said “each year I am blown away by the talent and determination of our students, we provide approximately eighteen performance opportunities each term for the students; they love to share their musical abilities with the school community. In addition to this there are performance opportunities outside of the school gates, the most memorable being at our biannual Westminster Abbey Service, and recently the Wallingford Winter Recitals, where their performances were heavily praised by the public. The students who have gone on to achieve music qualifications externally this year have worked extremely hard to achieve their certificates. Hours of practice and effort have resulted in wonderful results. Many of our students are looking forward to the exciting trip to New York, in collaboration with the art department here at QAS, the trip will see our musicians performing in the Cathedrals of St Patrick’s 5th Avenue and St John the Divine as well as experiencing the sights and sounds of New York.