Lower 6 student, Grace describes the insightful lecture given by Charlie Easmon on 'the history of prejudice'.
"We were treated to an amazing talk by Charlie Easmon. He talked to us about racial issues and ways of becoming an anti-racist ally. He began his talk by a very thought-provoking and eye-opening exercise. He got all the members of the audience to stand up if they identified as white. I stood up myself and looking around the room it was very clear that only a handful of girls were still sitting. As the talk progressed, thinking, and understanding the racism within the world, my mind kept going back and wondering if any of my fellow peers had felt this oppression and discrimination, just because of the colour of their skin. I left the talk feeling inspired to do more to help those who are fighting these everyday prejudices and ready to have those open conversations with my peers who were not standing. Speaking on behalf of my peers, the talk was very inspirational and made us ready to continue to challenge prejudice and racism, and stand up for a better society, where the colour of someone's skin is not a disadvantage, and which holds the same implications as the average white person."